COOKING is fun, educational, often delicious (you can taste what you cook to see how it's doing!)...but it takes learning like anything else and lots of practice. So, ALWAYS get some help from one of your older friends, brothers or sisters or your mom or dad, your aunt or grandma...and as you learn, you can make a change or two and do your your own recipes. And some day, you might even open up a restaurant!
If you have a kids or teens recipe you would like to share here at Kid City Kitchen, just email us here and we'll put it up for other kids to try out---if its cool and not too weird!
And check back here alot. This place in Kid City is always cookin'!
Youth & Children Net | Kidsurfer | Teensurfer | Teen-Anon | Streetcats Foundation for Youth
© 1996 - 2014 National
Childrens Coalition - Streetcats Foundation
for Youth